REACH aims to keep older adults strong and independent, and to expand their healthcare options. Please join us—we need you!

REACH is for people who are: 

  • 70 years and older
  • Diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas, colon, or rectum
  • Patients of Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center
  • English or Spanish speakers

All patients will receive usual care, including: 

  • Consultation with a medical oncologist, as well as a surgical and/or radiation oncologist, if indicated

As part of REACH, you may also receive: 

  • Consultation with a geriatrician
  • Nutrition services
  • Social work guidance
  • Specialized nursing care
  • Supportive care for managing pain and other symptoms from treatment
  • Cancer assessment to determine genetic changes that may help your physician tailor your treatment

To join or learn more, please contact us.